Coach.Coach.Coach. - Leading with Impact
1 Day
Coaching has emerged as an essential skill in today's business world. Applying a coaching mindset and skills will help you to become more effective and creative as a leader and contributor in your organization. And it will enable the people you coach to do the same.
In this highly participative one-day course, you will learn and practice a four-step coaching process. From starting coaching conversations, ensuring skillful dialogue and exploration of coaching topics, to overcoming resistance, you will learn the process, skills, and techniques to effectively coach to a desired outcome. You will actively engage with a real-work scenario throughout the course, practice each of the steps in the coaching process, and plan to apply your approach back on the job.
Benefits for the Coach
- Better understand the reality of the people you coach
- Build trust and mutual respect
- Open up new possibilities
- Gain commitment to desired future
- Enhance communication skills
- Increase confidence in the ability to coach
Benefits for the Individual Being Coached
- Explore issues in collaborative and creative ways
- Discover new possibilities
- Create opportunity for open and honest conversations
- Experience increased personal and organizational support
- Provide opportunities to stretch capabilities
- Enhance personal commitment to responsibilities
Benefits for the Organization
- Increase engagement of employees
- Create a culture of coaching
- Reduce employee turnover
This course is available in the following formats:
Duration: 1 Day
Call 800-798-3901 to enroll in this class! |
- Understand your coaching capabilities through a coaching assessment
- What coaching is and is not
- Apply and practice the four-step Coaching Process (Initiate, Clarify, Explore, Act) in a real work situation
- Create an environment of mutual respect and trust
- Use questioning techniques to better identify the coaching topic
- Gain commitment from employees on the coaching topic
- Actively listen to solicit information and increase employee comfort
- Engage in non-judgmental questions with employees to open up new possibilities
- Check and challenge your/your employees' assumptions to overcome barriers and blind spots
- Promote brainstorming to discover alternatives, new frames of reference, and ways forward
- Reframe problems to overcome old frames of reference and limiting beliefs
- Select alternatives for the way forward
- Overcome resistance to new ideas and stretch personal capabilities
- Contract a mutual agreement of accountability for the way forward
- Follow up effectively on progress toward the desired future
- Apply this practical learning in the workplace immediately
- Seek feedback on coaching skills
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Will Be Updated Soon!
1. What Coaching Is and Isn't
- Coaching in a large group environment
2. The Business Case for Coaching
- Three benefactors to coaching
- The person being coached
- The coach
- The organization
- Coaching in your organization
- Difference between feedback and coaching
3. A Coaching Mindset
- Conversation is a coaching mindset
4. Best Coaches
- Identifying certain skills, attitudes, and mindsets of the best coaches you have experienced
5. The Coaching Process
- Four steps
6. Step 1: Initiate focuses
- Creating mutual respect and trust
- Identifying the presenting topic
- Gaining commitment to proceed
7. Triad Role Play
8. Video
- Identify the three key actions of Step 1
9. Step 2: Clarify Focuses
- Listening actively
- Asking non-judgmental questions
- Checking for assumptions
10. Individual Exercise
- Assessing how easy it is to be present, curious, and non-judgmental
11. Active Listening Exercises
- Importance of improving active listening skills using pre-work assignment
12. Non-Judgmental Questions
- Reworking judgmental questions into non-judgmental questions
13. Check for Assumptions Reflection
- Assumptions you might be making when coaching
14. Triad Role Play
15. Video
- Identifying the three key actions
16. Step 3: Explore Focuses
- Reframing
- Searching for alternatives
- Selecting alternatives
17. Reframing
- Powerful questioning technique
18. Search for Alternative and Select Alternatives
- New ways forward and help employees select the best ideas based on fixed or non-negotiable criteria
19. Resistance Exercises
- Overcoming resistance
20. Video
- Identifying the three key actions
21. Step 4: Act Focuses
- Establishing next steps
- Establishing accountabilities
- Following up
22. Lecture and Large Group Discussion
- Ensuring mutual agreement of accountabilities and next steps
23. Ideal Follow Up Exercise
- What does an ideal follow up look like?
24. Video
- Identifying the three key actions
25. Triad Role Play
26. Coaching Mindset
- How has your coaching mindset has shifted?
27. Action Plan
- Planning for your coaching conversation using the Coach. Coach. Coach. worksheet
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Will Be Updated Soon!
Leaders at all levels: vice presidents, directors, managers, supervisors, team leaders, peer coaches, project managers and anyone who wants to be more effective and creative as a leader and contributor