Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 10239

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
.NET Framework 3.5, Windows Forms Applications Certification Microsoft MCTS13
.NET Programming for C Programmers Third Party / Custom .NETP
Adobe Dreamweaver Product Training, all product versions Adobe DREAM
Adobe Pagemaker Product Training, all product versions Adobe PAGEM
ADOBE Product Support & Training, all product versions Application Software ADOBE
Corel Draw Application Training, all product versions Application Software CORELD
Custom HTML Product Training Third Party / Custom HTML
Database Implementation and Administrating a MS SQL Database Database SQL
Database Implementation and Administrating an Access Database Database ACCESS
Introduction to Android Development Operating Systems ANDRDV
iPhone and iPad Application Development Third Party / Custom iPApDv
Java Programming Fundamentals Third Party / Custom JAVA