Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 205

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Accelerated Training for Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 Microsoft 933
Database Implementation and Administrating a MS SQL Database Database SQL
Implementing a Database Design on Microsoft SQL Server 6 Microsoft 576
Implementing a database design on Microsoft SQL server for Windows NT Microsoft 243
Implementing a Database Design on SQL 6.5 Microsoft 750
Implementing a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Microsoft 833
Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Overview Microsoft 1140A
Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Third Party / Custom SQLRPT
MS SQL Server 2005 SSRS Training Microsoft SSRS
New Features of SQL for NT for OS/2 Admins Microsoft 286
New Features of SQL Server 6 Microsoft 608
Perf Tuning & Optimization for SQL 6.5 Microsoft 665