Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 4337

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Advanced FOCUS Reporting for End Users Mainframe FOCUSA
Advanced OS390 MVS JCL Mainframe JCLA
Basic OS390 MVS JCL Mainframe JCLB
Database Implementation and Administrating a DB2 Database Database DB2
Database Implementation and Administrating a MS SQL Database Database SQL
Database Implementation and Administrating an Access Database Database ACCESS
FOCUS Reporting for End Users Mainframe FOCUSR
FOCUS Reporting for Programmers Mainframe FOCSUP
Lotus 123 Product Training, all product versions Application Software L123
Microsoft Access Application Training, all product versions Application Software ACCESS
Microsoft Excel Application Training, all product versions, all levels Application Software EXCEL
Microsoft Power Point Application Training, all product versions, all levels Application Software POWER