Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 4441

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Accelerated Course for MS Exchange v 5.0 Microsoft 868
Accelerated Course for NT 4.0 Microsoft 983
Accelerated MOC 10747 & 10748 Microsoft 107478
Accelerated Training for Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft 855
Accelerated Training for MS Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Technologies and MS TCP/IP Microsoft 934
Access Control, Authentication, and Public Key Infrastructure Security ACAPKI
Active Directory Fundamentals Microsoft 2199
Administering a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Database Microsoft 2072
Administering Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Microsoft 2553
Administering Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Microsoft 827
Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft 803
Administering Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Microsoft 2552