Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 5188

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Advanced OS390 MVS JCL Mainframe JCLA
Assembler Programming Workshop (Beg, Inter, Adv) Mainframe ASMBLR
Basic OS390 MVS JCL Mainframe JCLB
CICS Command-Level Programming Mainframe CICS
CICS Training Third Party / Custom CICS
Computer Associates AllFusion Endeavor Change Manager Mainframe ENDEV
CRM Training Third Party / Custom CRM
Database Implementation and Administrating a MS SQL Database Database SQL
DB2 / QMF Query Language Training Mainframe QMF
DOS X.x Application Software DOS
Easytrieve Plus Fundamentals Mainframe EASYTP
IBM AIX System Fundamentals & Administration Training Operating Systems AIX