Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 778

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
3.11 to 3.1x UPDT Seminar Novell 507
Accelerated Course for MS Exchange v 5.0 Microsoft 868
Accelerated Training for MS Windows NT Server 4.0 Enterprise Technologies and MS TCP/IP Microsoft 934
Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft 803
Advanced Identity 2 Manager Training Novell ADVIMG
Advanced NDS Tools & Diagnostics Novell 991
Advanced Network Management v6.5 Novell 3043
Advanced SUSE Linux Administration Novell 3038
Advanced Web Authorizing Novell 655
Authorized Novell Online Trainer Novell ONLINE
Building Internets w/ IntraNetware Novell 540
Certified NetWare Engineer Third Party / Custom CNE