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Product Support Expert #:

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
J2EE Programming using IBM Websphere Studio Application Developer IBM EJW115
EJB Programming with WebSphere Studio Application Developer IBM EJW126
Servlet & JSP Development with WebSphere Studio Application Developer IBM EJW131
J2EE Architecture with WebSphere IBM EJW226
IBM Certified Instructor Certification IBM IBMCI
IBM WebSphere Certification IBM IBMW
Programming with J2EE Third Party / Custom J2EE
Introduction to Java for OO Developers Using WebSphere Studio V5.1 IBM JA319
Developing and Testing OO Applications with Java Using WebSphere Studio V5.1 IBM JA349
Advanced Java Programming with Distributed Objects Using WebSphere Studio V5.1 IBM JA369
Java Programming Fundamentals Third Party / Custom JAVA
Java Programming with Jakarta Struts Third Party / Custom JAVAJ