Product Support Experts
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Product Support Expert #:

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Comptia A+ Certification Training Comptia A+
MS Exchange Server 5.5 Series - Concepts & Administration Microsoft 1026
Installing and Configuring Microsoft Small Business Server Microsoft 1042
Overview of Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Microsoft 1045
Upgrading to Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Microsoft 1100
Supporting Microsoft Windows Terminal Server Microsoft 1198
Securing Microsoft Windows NT Server Microsoft 1202
Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 First Look Microsoft 1264
Installing and Administering Microsoft Windows NT5.0 Microsoft 1265
Supporting Microsoft Windows NT 5.0 Microsoft 1266
Upgrading Support Skills from MS Windows NT 4.0 to Windows 2000 Microsoft 1275
Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 Accelerated Training Microsoft 1313