Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 214

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Lotus R3, R4, R5 Training Third Party / Custom LOTUS
Supporting MS Windows NT 4.0 Core Technologies Microsoft 922
NDS for NT Professionals Novell 910
NetWare 4.x Installation & Configuration Novell 804
Administering Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft 803
NetWare 3.1x Installation and Configuration Workshop Novell 802
Workstation Management with Z.E.N. Works (Version 1) Novell 780
Supporting NT Server 4.0-Enterprise Technologies Microsoft 689
Internetworking MS TCP/IP Using Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft 688
Supporting Windows NT4.0 Core Technologies Microsoft 687
Supporting MS Windows NT Server 3.51 Microsoft 659
NetWare TCP/IP Transport Novell 605