Product Support Experts

Product Support Expert #: 935

This Product Support Expert has the following certifications:

Certification Name Vendor Course Code
Enabling Business Processes Using XML, Smart Documents, and Smart Client Solutions Microsoft 2052
Enabling Business Processes Using XML, Smart Documents, and Smart Client Solutions for MS-Office Microsoft 2015
Exchanging and Transforming Data Using XML and XSLT Microsoft 1913
First Look: Microsoft Windows Vista for Developers Microsoft 3087
Getting Started with Microsoft .NET for COBOL Programmers Microsoft 2363
Getting Started with Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 for Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Developers Microsoft 2562
IBM Websphere Training Third Party / Custom WEBS
Implementing a Database Design on SQL 6.5 Microsoft 750
Implementing a Database in Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Microsoft 833
Implementing Security for Applications Microsoft 2840
Introduction to C# Programming with Microsoft .NET Microsoft 2609
Introduction to Microsoft .NET Development Microsoft 2717